How we started

HERO Foundation was instituted in 1988 to answer the growing and continuing requirement to help the families of fallen soldiers. A group of distinguished leaders of business and industry of the country responded to the call for help.  Among them were Don Jaime Zobel de Ayala, Henry Sy, Sr., Washington SyCip, Patricio Lim, and Raul Concepcion.

HERO stands for Help Educate and Rear Orphans. The Foundation was registered on August 24, 1988, with the Security and Exchange Commission as a non-stock, not-for-profit organization.

Today, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), through the AFP-Educational Benefit System Office (AFP-EBSO), rely on HERO Foundation, Inc. for supplemental financial support for the AFP orphans. The support comes in the form of stipends that are directly given to the families to help them with the cost of books, uniforms, meals, transportation, school supplies, and sometimes, even their tuition fees.  A new program, REACH (Rise, Empower, Aspire, Commit, and Honor) provides complete education assistance to selected exceptional college-level military orphans.

Our Leadership

Board of Trustees and Officers

HERO Foundation, Inc. is proudly managed by distinguished, highly respected business leaders and movers of Corporate Social Responsibility efforts in the country. It is noteworthy to know that our Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief of Staff is a permanent Board of Trustee of HERO Foundation, Inc.  They attend regular Board and Management meetings of HERO Foundation.

Mr. Fernando Zobel de Ayala Chairman
Gen. Renato S. de Villa, AFP (Ret.) Vice Chairman
Gen. Emmanuel T. Bautista, AFP (Ret.) President
Mr. Jaime Miguel G. Belmonte Board Trustee
Mr. Aniceto V. Bisnar, Jr. Board Trustee
Mr. Raul Anthony A. Concepcion Board Trustee
Mr. Ernest L. Cu Board Trustee
Ms. Cecilia Victoria Oreña Drilon Board Trustee
Ms. Anna Ma. Margarita B. Dy Board Trustee
Mrs. Evelyn L. Forbes Board Trustee
Mr. John Eric T. Francia

Mr. Teodoro K. Limcaoco

Board Trustee

Board Trustee

Mr. Michael G. Tan Board Trustee
Mr. Jaime Z. Urquijo Board Trustee
Dr. Emilio C. Yap III, PhD Board Trustee
Gen. Romeo S. Brawner Jr., CS AFP Ex-Officio Member
Mr. Augusto D. Bengzon Treasurer
Atty. Maria Paula R. Bautista Corporate Secretary
MGen. Victor V. Bayani, AFP (Ret.) Executive Director

HERO Foundation welcomes donations of any amount


Since 1988, the foundation has not wavered in its commitment to provide educational support to the children of our soldiers and ensure that they have a better chance at a brighter future.

  •  3/F AFP Finance Center Multi-Purpose Cooperative Bldg., Col. Bonny Serrano Avenue corner 18th Avenue, Brgy. San Roque, Murphy, Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines, 1109
  •  +63 (2) 8912 0361
  •  +63 (2) 8912 9330
  •  +63 917 822 4376
  •  +63 930 699 1819
  •  info@herofoundation.com.ph


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